We are working to address some of the most intractable issues of our time at the local, national, and global level.
Priority Areas
Local Focus: Homelessness
In Los Angeles and around the country, homelessness has become an epidemic. The cost of housing has outpaced average wage increases, and when combined with a pullback on city services, it has resulted in hundreds of thousands becoming homeless in our major cities. 1P is taking a unique approach to homelessness in its focus on prevention, housing affordability, and technology.
Visit The STEP Fund to learn more about how we are preventing homelessness.
State Focus:
Workforce Development
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the global economy and has laid bare the growing skills divide. There is now a massive difference in expected lifetime earnings between those skilled and unskilled in the labor force. We are working with our affiliates to tackle this emerging challenge.
Visit LA-Tech.org to learn more about our work to expand opportunities.
National Focus: Gun Safety
While popular perception would have us believe otherwise, 97% of Americans, including the vast majority of gun owners, support common sense gun policies like background checks. Misperceptions and the loud voices of the 3% have crowded out conversation and prevented collaboration between gun owners and non-gun owners. We are all united in wanting to keep our families and our communities safe.
Global Focus: Climate Change
The debate around climate change is over - the time to act is now. Notwithstanding the conclusions of thousands of scientists, the evidence is before us in the form of shrunken glaciers, devastating forest fires, more frequent and violent hurricanes, and dramatic changes in crops and growing seasons. Changing the trajectory of climate damage, while taking into account the geographic and industry considerations that perpetuate its rise, is an enormous challenge, but one that we must tackle for the sake of our children.
Other Areas
Food Allergy
32 million Americans, including 5.6 million children suffer from food allergies. Each year more than 200,000 Americans require emergency medical care for allergic reactions to food. For many years the only option people who suffered from food allergies had was food avoidance. Fortunately, through the work of dedicated researchers, clinicians, and non-profit entities, innovation and entrepreneurship is exploding in this space.
Social Entrepreneurship
With limited resources in the public sector, the key to solving many of our global challenges is innovative social entrepreneurship. We are leveraging both philanthropy and social impact investing to support the impact of social enterprises.